In this innovative project, Chatham Hope Non-Profit partnered with Trim Tab to renew its aging townhomes. This project integrates energy retrofits with the turnover of the unit. The goal is to improve quality of life and reduce energy use by 25% using quick-to-deploy measures. The project was made possible through the support of the FCM and the Peter Gilgan Foundation.
Units sealed to Net Zero airtightness. Keep the heat in. Keeps the bugs, noise and smoke outside.
Mechanical ventilation to provide a steady stream of fresh, tempered air.
Central cooling and efficient space heating through the addition of an air source heat pump.
Elimination of rental water heater bill. Lower heating bills.
Chatham Hope Non-Profit
Building Knowledge Canada
1200-1400 sq.ft. per unit
Retrofits add 4-6 weeks to turnover.
Advisor to Trim Tab - President, Building Knowledge Canada
There are few professionals in Ontario that can match Gord Cooke’s broad knowledge of the inner workings of a house. Highly regarded in the Ontario homebuilding industry, Gord is a professional engineer, trainer, author, and industry consultant. For over 35 years, Gord has helped builders and HVAC contractors implement innovative technologies and build better homes. He is an effective and passionate educator and advocate for better building practices, improved indoor air quality, and energy efficiency. Most recently, Gord was awarded one of just five “hall of fame” 2022 Clean50 Lifetime Achievement Awards.
Advisor to Trim Tab - Retired CEO, AtlasCare
Roger Grochmal is a professional engineer and seasoned business leader in the HVAC contracting industry. He is the retired CEO and owner of AtlasCare and is a life member of both ASHRAE and HRAI. He is the recipient of HRAI’s Merit Award in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the development and progress of the Institute and the Canadian HVACR industry. He currently sits on the Board of Governors of George Brown College working to develop the next generation of business leaders.
CEO/Founder of Trim Tab
Tom is a professional engineer who grew up in a family that ran a heating and cooling business serving homeowners for over 30 years. Tom branched out and made a career in the utility sector, responsible for the design and delivery of energy efficiency programs for homes and businesses with his work for Enbridge Gas. Tom believes in the power of energy efficiency to improve quality of life.